NAV Navbar
Objective-C Swift
  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
  • Authorization
  • Setting up your project
  • CKTClient.h
  • CKTClient+Auth
  • CKTClient+Logon
  • CKTClient+User
  • CKTClient+Conversation
  • CKTClient+Call
  • CKTAudioSessionManager
  • Event Handling
  • Sample Application
  • Errors
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the Circuit iOS SDK. You can use the provided API to build a text or media mobile application for iOS.

    We have language examples in Objective-C and Swift. You can view the code examples in the dark panel to the right, and can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.

    Getting Started

    Before we can start building an application we need to install CircuitSDK to the your project.

    Installing CocoaPods

    First of all, make sure you have CocoaPods installed on your system.

    To install CocoaPods make sure you have latest Xcode, open the terminal and run the following command below:

    sudo gem install cocoapod

    Setting up CocoaPods

    For the CircuitSDK to run properly, you must setup your project with CocoaPods. In the terminal navigate to your project folder and run the command below:

    pod init

    pod init sets up a PodFile for your project

    The file should look like this where PROJECT NAME is your project name


    Installing CircuitSDK

    Once CocoaPods is installed you are ready to add and install the pod CircuitSDK

    Open your Podfile in Xcode, do not use TextEdit as TextEdit uses smart quotes which will generate errors upon trying to install the pod

    Under target 'PROJECT NAME' (is your project name) add the following

    pod 'CircuitSDK'

    This tells CocoaPods you want to use the CircuitSDK pod with your project, save the Podfile.

    Your Podfile should look like the example below


    Now in the terminal navigate to your project folder containing the Podfile, run the command below to install the CircuitSDK pod:

    pod install

    The cocoaPods will download the latest CircuitSDK with the related dependencies.

    Lastly get the WebRTC dependency (Source/libCKTNavigator.a).

    Simply from project repo run in terminal:

    curl -X GET -o "Source/libCKTNavigator.a" "

    CircuitSDK uses SocketRocket pod


    If you do not have any client credentials first sign up for a developer account here

    Once your account is approved navigate to Circuit App Registration and follow the instructions to obtain the credentials

    Once you receive them you are ready to run the sample application and create your own.

    Setting up your project

    Once you successfully end up with the sections above, you will be ready to use CircuitSDK in your project. Simply import the SDK to your class file and you are ready to go.

    #import <CircuitSDK/CircuitSDK.h>
    import CircuitSDK


    All client functions are implemented in their respective extensions



    [client initializeSDK:@"ADD CLIENT_ID"
        oAuthClientSecret:@"ADD CLIENT_SECRET"
                oAuthScope:@"ADD OAUTH_SCOPE"];
    CKTClient().initializeSDK("ADD CLIENT ID",
        oAuthClientSecret: "ADD CLIENT SECRET",
                oAuthScope: "ALL")

    It's a good idea to initialize the SDK when the application launches, this can be done in the AppDelegate file.

    Application scope should be a comma delimited string that can contain any of the following:


    We use a framework called AppAuth to help with OAuth 2.0 authentication.

    AppAuth takes your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET and returns to you an access token, you can the use this access token to logon.

    See AppAuth-iOS for examples using AppAuth

    Remember to set your redirectURI you created when registering your application, this redirectURI tells AppAuth how to get back to your application after authentication has completed.

    Setting your redirectURI can be done in the Info section of your applications project settings

    See the image below for an example:



    [client renewToke:^{
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().renewToken {
      // Code goes here

    Renew the OAuth2 access token of the current user

    Parameter Type Description
    completion callback A completion block that takes either a new access token or an error and returns void


    [client revokeToken:@"ACCESS TOKEN"
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().revokeToken("ACCESS TOKEN", {
      // Code goes here

    Revoke the OAuth2 access token

    Required OAuth2 scopes: N/A

    Parameter Type Description
    token string Access token, if omitted the internally used access toke is revoked.
    completion callback A completion block that takes either a new access token or an error and returns void


    [client setOAuthConfig:@"CLIENT_ID" setOAuthConfig:@"CLIENT_SECRET"];
    CKTClient().setOAuthConfig("CLIENT_ID", setOAuthConfig:"CLIENT_SECRET)

    Sets the configuration for OAuth Authentication without scope

    Use this method when you want the application to request all permissions

    Parameter Type Description
    clientId string Application CLIENT_ID
    clientSecret string Application CLIENT_SECRET


    [client setOAuthConfig:@"CLIENT_ID"
    CKTClient().setOAuthConfig("CLIENT_ID", setOAuthConfig:"CLIENT_SECRET, scope:"SCOPE")

    Sets the configuration for OAuth Authentication with scope

    Use this method when you want to determine which permissions the application requests.

    This could be any of the following in a comma deliminated string

    Parameter Type Description
    clientId string Application CLIENT_ID
    clientSecret string Application CLIENT_SECRET
    scope string Application scope


    [client validateToken:@"ACCESS TOKEN"
               completion: ^{
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().validateToken("ACCESS TOKEN", {
      // Code goes here

    Validates the OAuth2 access token

    Required OAuth2 scopes: N/A

    Parameter Type Description
    accessToken string Access token, if not provided, current access token of the client instance is validated.
    completion callback A completion block that takes no arguments and returns void.



    [client logon:@"ADD YOUR ACCESS TOKEN" completion:^(NSDictionary *user, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    CKTClient().logon("ADD YOUR ACCESS TOKEN") { (user, error) in
    // Code goes here

    Logs user into server via given access token. OAuth2 accessToken logon.

    Parameter Type Description
    completion callback A completion block that takes either a user or an error and returns void


    [self logon:@"USER_NAME" password:@"PASSWORD" completion:^(NSDictionary *user, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    CKTClient().logon("USER_NAME" , password: "PASSWORD") { (user, error) in
    // Code goes here

    Logs user into server via given credentials.

    This grant type should only be used if other flows are not viable. Also, it should only be used if the application is trusted by the user.

    Parameter Type Description
    username string Username (email) for Resource Owner Grant Type
    password string Password for Resource Owner Grant Type
    completion callback A completion block that takes either a user or an error and returns void


    [client logout:^{
    // Code goes here
    CKTClient().logout {
    // Code goes here

    Log this client instance out. Logging out does not revoke the OAuth2 access token

    Parameter Type Description
    completion callback A completion block that takes no arguments and returns void



    [client getLoggedOnUser:^(NSDictionary *user, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getLoggedOnUser({ (user, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Returns the current logged on user in JSON format

    Parameter Type Description
    completion callback A completion block that takes either the current logged on user or an error


    [client getPresence:@[ "USER ID(s)" ],
             completion:^(id presence, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getPresence([ "USER ID(s)" ],
                full: true) { (presence, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Get the presence for a list of user id's

    Required OAuth 2 scopes: READ_USER or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    userIds array Array of single or multiple user id's
    full boolean If true, detailed presence is returned, which also includes long/lat, timezone, etc
    completion callback A completion block that takes either presence or an error and returns void


    [client getStatusMessage:^(id status, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getStatusMessage { (status, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Get the status message of the logged in user

    Required OAuth2 scopes: READ_USER_PROFILE or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    completion callback A completion block that takes either a status message or an error and returns void.


    [client getTenantUsers:@{ OPTIONS },
                completion:^(id users, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getTenantUsers(["OPTIONS DICTIONARY"]) { (users, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Get the users for this tenant/domain. This API required tenant admin privileges

    Required OAuth2 scopes: ALL and only by tenant admins

    Parameter Type Description
    options dictionary Filter options
    completion callback A completion block that takes either users or an error and returns void.


    [client getUserByEmail:@"ADD EMAIL" completion:^(NSDictionary *user, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getUserByEmail("ADD EMAIL") { (user, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Returns the user in JSON format by the given user email.

    Parameter Type Description
    email string Email of the user to retrieve
    completion callback A completion block that takes either a user or an error and returns void


    [client getUsersByEmail:@[ "ADD EMAIL" ] completion:^(NSDictionary *users, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getUsersByEmail([ "ADD EMAIL" ]) { (users, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Returns the users in JSON format by the given array of email addresses.

    Parameter Type Description
    emails array Array of email addresses of the users to retrieve
    completion callback A completion block that takes either a user or an error and retutns void


    [client getUserById:@"ADD USER ID" completion:^(NSDictionary *user, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getUserById("ADD USER ID") { (user, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Returns the user in JSON format by the given user ids

    Parameter Type Description
    userId string ID of the user to retrieve
    completion callback A completion block that takes either a user or an error and returns void


    [client getUsersById:@[ "ADD USER ID" ] completion:^(NSDictionary *users, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getUsersById([ "ADD USER ID" ]) { (users, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Returns the users in JSON format by the given array of user id's

    Parameter Type Description
    userId array ID of the user to retrieve
    completion callback A completion block that takes either users or an error and returns void


    [client getUsersById:[@"ADD USER ID"] limited:YES completion:^(NSDictionary *user, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getUsersById(["ADD USER ID"], limited:true) { (user, error) in
    // Code goes here

    Returns the user in JSON format by the given user ids

    Parameter Type Description
    userId array ID of the user to retrieve
    limited bool If true, a limited user object is retrurned with the most important attributes. Default is false.
    completion callback A completion handler that takes either a dictionary of users or an error and returns void.


    [client getUserSettings:^(id settings, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getUserSettings { (settings, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Get all the user settings of the logged in user

    Required OAuth2 scopes: READ_USER_PROFILE or ALL


    [client updateUser:@["USER ATTRIBUTES"] completion:^(void) {
    // Code goes here
    CKTClient().updateUser("USER ATTRIBUTE") { (void) in
    // Code goes here
    Parameter Type Description
    user dictionary ictionary containing the user attributes to update
    completion callback A completion block that takes no arguments and returns void.


        accounts =     (
                accountId = "USER ACCOUNT ID";
                accountStatus = ACTIVE;
                accountTemplateName = USER;
                canLogon = 1;
                creationTime = 0;
                isDefault = 1;
                isExpired = 0;
                isInGracePeriod = 0;
                lastAccess = LAST ACCESS TIME;
                parentPackageId = "PARENT PACKAGE ID";
                parentPackageName = "PARENT PACKAGE NAME";
                permissions = ( ARRAY OF SYSTEM PERMISSION );
                tags =  ( ARRAY OF SYSTEM TAGS );
                tenantId = "USER TENANT ID";
                userId = "USER ID";
        apiVersion = "SDK API VERSION";
        avatar = "USER AVATAR URL";
        avatarLarge = "USER LARGE AVATAR URL";
        callerId = "";
        clientId = "CLIENT ID";
        company = "";
        cstaNumber = "";
        displayName = "USER FULL NAME";
        emailAddress = "USER EMAIL ADDRESS";
        firstName = "USER FIRST NAME";
        hasAvatar = 1;
        hasPermission =     {
        isExternallyManaged = 0;
        jobTitle = "USER JOB TITLE";
        lastName = "USER LAST NAME";
        locale = "LOCALE SPECIFICATION";
        phoneNumber = "USER PHONE NUMBER";
        userId = "USER ID";
        userPresenceState =     {
            isOptedOut = 0;
            mobile = 0;
            poor = 0;
            state = OFFLINE;
            userId = "USER ID";
        userState = ACTIVE;
        userType = REGULAR;
    Parameter Type Description
    accounts array User account details
    apiVersion string JavaScript sdk api version
    avatar string User avatar url
    avatarLarge string User large avatar url
    callerId string
    clientId string Client ID
    company string User company name
    cstaNumber string
    displayName string User full name
    emailAddress string User email address
    firstName string User first name
    hasAvatar bool If the user has an avatar
    hasPermission json Permission the user has
    isExternallyManaged bool
    jobTitle string User job title
    lastName string User last name
    locale string Locale specification
    phoneNumber string User phone number
    userId string User id
    userPresenceState json
    userState string Current user status
    userType string User type



    [client addParticipant:@"CONVERSATION ID",
                   userIds:@["USER ID(s)"],
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().addParticipant("CONVERSATION ID",
                userIds: ["USER ID(s)"],
                completion: {
        // Code goes here

    Add new participants to a group conversation or community

    Required OAuth2 scopes: WRITE_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Conversation ID to add the participant to.
    userIds array Array containing a single or multiple user ids
    completion callback A completion block that takes no arguments and returns void.


    Adding an item with the string content type

    [client addTextItem:@"CONVERSATION ID" content:@"TEXT CONTENT" completion:^(id content, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().addTextItem("CONVERSATION ID", content: "TEXT CONTENT") { (content, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Adding an item with the object content type

    NSDictionary *content = @{ @"parentId": @"PARENT CONVERSATION ID",
                               @"contentType": @"PLAIN",
                               @"subject": @"SUBJECT",
                               @"content": @"TEXT CONTENT",
                               @"attachments": @[ PHOTO OR VIDEO ] };
    [client addTextItem:@"CONVERSATION ID" content:content completion:^(id content, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    let content = [ "parentId": "PARENT CONVERSATION ID",
                    "contentType": "PLAIN",
                    "subject": "SUBJECT",
                    "content": "TEXT CONTENT",
                    "attachments": [ PHOTOT OR VIDEO ] ]
    CKTClient().addTextItem("CONVERSATION ID", content: content) { (content, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Adds an item to a conversation, this method can take one of two types

    Type Description
    string Text content
    object Item object

    The item object can contain any of the following

    Option Type Description
    parentId string The id of the parent post if this is a reply
    contentType string Either PLAIN or RICH, default is RICH. Whether the content is rich text (HTML) or plain text
    subject string Subject/Title of the message. Only supported for parent post (i.e. parentId omitted)
    content string Actual text content
    attachments array Picture or video attachments
    Parameter Type Description
    content string object Content for the item
    completion callback A completion block that takes either the sent content or an error and returns void


    [client createCommunity:@["USER ID(s)"],
                      topic:@"COMMUNITY TOPIC",
                description:@"COMMUNITY DESCRIPTION",
                 completion:^(NSDictionary *community, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().createCommunity(["USER ID(s)"],
                topic: "COMMUNITY TOPIC",
                description: "COMMUNITY DESCRIPTION",
                completion: { (community, error) in
        // Code goes here

    Creates a new community

    Required OAuth2 scopes: WRITE_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    participants [optional] array User ID(s) of the user(s) to create a community with.
    topic [optional] string Topic of the community.
    description [optional] string Description of the community.
    completion callback A completion block that takes either a community or an error and returns void.


    [client createConferenceBridge:@"TOPIC"
                        completion:^(NSDictionary *conversation, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().createConferenceBridge("TOPIC", { (conversation, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Create a new conference bridge conversation.

    Required OAuth2 scopes: WRITE_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    topic string Topic of the conversation
    completion callback A completion block that takes either a conversation or an error and returns void.


    [client createDirectConversation:@"PARTICIPANT ID" completion:^(NSDictionary *conversation, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().createDirectConversation("PARTICIPANT ID") { (conversation, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Creates a direct conversation from with the participant of the given id

    Parameter Type Description
    participantId string Participant id to create a direct conversation with
    completion callback A completion block that takes either the conversation created or an error and returns void


    [client createGroupConversation:@[ @"PARTICIPANT ID" ] title:@"TITLE" completionHandler:^(NSDictionary *conversation, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().createGroupConversation([ "PARTICIPANT ID" ], title:"TITLE") { (conversation, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Creates a group conversation from an array of participant id's

    Parameter Type Description
    participantId array Array of participant id's to create a group conversation with
    topic string Title of the conversation to be created
    completion callback A completion block that takes either the conversation created or an error and returns void


    [client flagItem:@"CONVERSATION ID"
              itemId:@"ITEM ID"
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().flagItem("CONVERSATION ID",
                  itemId:"ITEM ID") {
      // Code goes here

    Flag an item. Flags are user specific

    Required OAuth2 scopes: WRITE_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    conversationId string Id of the conversation where the item exists
    itemId string Id of the item to be flagged
    completion callback A completion block that takes no arguments and returns void


    [client getConversations: ^(NSArray *conversations, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getConversations() { (conversations, error) in
    // Code goes here

    Returns the conversations of the logged on user in JSON format

    Parameter Type Description
    options [optional] dictionary A dictionary of options to filter conversations
    completion callback A completion block that takes either conversations or an error and returns void


    NSDictionary *options = @{ @"direction": @"BEFORE",
                               @"timestamp": @1264378424,
                               @"numberOfConversations": @10
                               @"numberOfParticipants": @5
    [client getConversations:options completionHandler:^(NSArray *conversations, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    let options = [ "direction": "BEFORE",
                    "timestamp": 1264378424,
                    "numberOfConversations": 10,
                    "numberOfParticipants": 5 ]
    CKTClient().getConversations(options) { (conversations, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Returns the conversations of the logged on user in JSON format, you can pass in a dictionary of options or set this to nil depending on how you want to retrieve conversations.

    Option Type Description
    direction string Whether to get the conversations BEFORE or AFTER a certain timestamp, default is BEFORE
    timestamp number Timestamp used in conjunction with the direction option, default is current timestamp
    numberOfConversations number Maximum number of conversations to retrieve, default is 25
    numberOfParticipants number Maximum number of participants to return in the participants array. Default is 8
    Parameter Type Description
    options [optional] dictionary A dictionary of options to filter conversations
    completion callback A completion block that takes either conversations or an error and returns void


    [client getConversationById:@"CONVERSATION ID"
                    completionHandler:^(NSDictionary conversation,  NSError *error){
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getConversationById("CONVERSATION ID") { (conversation, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Get the conversation by conversation Id.

    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Conversation Id
    completion callback A completion block that takes either conversations or an error and returns void.


    [client getConversationDetails:@"CONVERSATION ID"
                        completion:^(NSArray *details, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getConversationDetails("CONVERSATION ID") { (details, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Get the conversation details such as the bridge number and guest link.

    Required OAuth2 scopes: READ_CONVERSATIONS or ALL.

    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Conversation Id of the items to retrieve
    completion callback A completion block that takes either conversation details or an error and returns void


    NSDictionary *options = @{ @"timestamp" : 1264378424,
                               @"minTotalItems" : 15,
                               @"maxTotalUnread" : 30,
                               @"commentsPerThread" : 5,
                               @"maxUnreadPerThread" : 2};
    [client getConversationFeed:@"CONVERSATION ID"
                    options: options
                    completion:^(NSArray *feed, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    let options = [ @"timestamp" : 1264378424,
                    @"minTotalItems" : 15,
                    @"maxTotalUnread" : 30,
                    @"commentsPerThread" : 5,
                    @"maxUnreadPerThread" : 2 ]
    CKTClient().getConversationItems("CONVERSATION ID",
                    options: options) { (feed, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Retrieve items of a conversation in a threaded structure before a specific timestamp. Allows specifying how many comments per thread to retrieve, and also how many unread messages of a thread to retireve.

    Required OAuth2 scopes: READ_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Conversation Id of the items to retrieve
    options dictionary Dictionary containing specific options
    completion callback A completion block that takes either a conversation feed or an error and returns void


    NSDictionary *options = @{ @"direction": @"BEFORE",
                               @"creationTime": @1264378424,
                               @"numberOfConversations": @10 };
    [client getConversationItems:@"CONVERSATION ID"
                        threadId:@"THREAD ID"
                         options: options
                      completion:^(NSArray *items, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    let options = [ "direction": "BEFORE",
                    "creationTime": 1264378424,
                    "numberOfConversations": 10 ]
    CKTClient().getConversationItems("CONVERSATION ID",
                            threadId: "THREAD ID",
                             options: options) { (items, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Returns the conversation items in JSON format by the given conversation id. You can pass a dictionary of options or leave this nil for defaults.

    Option Type Description
    modificationDate number Mutually exclusive with creationTime, default is current timestamp
    creationTime number Mutually exclusive with modificationTime, default is current timestamp
    direction string Whether to get the conversations BEFORE or AFTER a certain timestamp, default is BEFORE
    numberOfItems number Maximum number of conversation items to retrieve, default is 25
    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Conversation id for the items to retrieve
    threadId string Item Id of the initial post of the thread
    options [optional] dictionary Options to filter the conversation items
    completion callback A completion block that takes either conversation items or an error and returns void


    NSDictionary *options = @{ @"pageSize": @20,
                               @"includePresence": @(YES) };
    [client getConversationParticipants: @"CONVERSATION ID"
                                options: options
                                completion:^(NSDictionary *participants, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    let options = ["pageSize": 20,
                   "includePresence": true ]
    CKTClient().getConversationParticipants("CONVERSATION ID",
                                    options: options) { (participants, error) in
     // Code goes here

    Retrieve conversation participants using optional search criteria

    Required OAuth2 scopes: READ_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Option Type Criteria
    pageSize number Number of participants per page. Maximum is 100
    includePresence boolean If set to true this will add the presence state of the user to the returned participant object. Default is false
    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Conversation Id
    options [optional] dictionary Options for search criteria
    completion callback A completion block that takes either conversation participants or an error and returns void


    [client getDirectConversationWithUser:@"USER QUERY"
                        createIfNotExists: YES
                               completion:^(NSDictionary *conversation, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getDirectConversationWithUser("USER QUERY",
                            createIfNotExists: true) { (conversation, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Get the direct conversation with a user by their user id or email address

    Required OAuth2 scopes: READ_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    query string User id or user email address
    createIfNotExists boolean Create conversation with user if not already existing. Default is FALSE
    completion callback A completion block that takes either a conversation or an error and returns void


    [client getFlaggedItems:^(NSDictionary *items, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getFlaggedItems { (items, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Get all flagged items

    Required OAuth2 scopes: READ_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    completion callback A completion block that takes either all flagged items or an error and returns void


    [client getItemById:@"ITEM ID" completion:^(NSDictionary *item, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getItemById("ITEM ID") { (item, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Returns a single item in JSON format by the given item id

    Parameter Type Description
    itemId string Item id for the item to retrieve
    completion callback A completion block that takes either conversation item or an error and returns void


    NSArray *itemIDs = @[@"bee98d40-7c7c-4246-b1e4-b29183728da1",
    [client getItemsById:itemIDs completion:^(NSDictionary *items, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    let itemsIds = ["bee98d40-7c7c-4241-b1e6-b29183728da1",
    CKTClient().getItemsById(itemsIds) { (items, error) in
    // Code goes here

    Retrieve multiple conversation items by their id

    Required OAuth2 scopes: READ_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    itemIds arrary Conversation Item IDs
    completion callback A completion block that takes either conversation item or an error and returns void


    NSDictionary *options = @{ @"modificationDate": @145694922,
                               @"creationDate": @329293948,
                               @"direction": @"BEFORE",
                               @"number": @-1
    [client getItemsByThread:@"CONVERSATION ID"
                    threadId:@"THREAD ID"
                     options: options
                  completion:^(NSDictionary *items, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here              
    let options = ["modificationDate": 145694922,
                   "creationDate": 329293948,
                   "direction": "BEFORE",
                   "number": -1]
    CKTClient().getItemsByThread("CONVERSATION ID",
                        threadId:"THREAD ID",
                         options:options) { (items, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Retrieve conversation items of a thread

    Required OAuth2 scopes: READ_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Option Type Description
    modificationDate number Defines a date to compare with the last modification date of an item.
    creationDate number Defines a date to compare with the creation date of an item. Defaults to current timestamp.
    direction string Whether to get items BEFORE or AFTER a certain timestamp.
    number number Maximum number of conversation items to retrieve. Default (-1) is to retrieve all items of a thread.
    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Conversation ID
    threadId string Thread ID
    options dictionary Dictionary containing specific options listed above
    completion callback A completion block that takes either items or an error and returns void


    [client getMarkedConversations:^(NSDictionary *conversations, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getMarkedConversations { (conversations, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Retrieve all marked (muted or favorited) conversation id's

    Required OAuth2 scopes: READ_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    completion callback A completion block that takes either mark conversations or an error and returns void


    [client getSupportConversationId:^(NSString *conversationId, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getSupportConversationId { (conversationId, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Get the special support conversation id. The support conversation is a special conversation the user can report problems with

    Required OAuth2 scopes: READ_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    completion callback A completion block that takes either the support conversation id or an error and returns void


    [client getTelephonyConversationId:^(NSString *conversationId, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().getTelephonyConversationId { (conversationId, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Get the special telephony conversation id. The telephony conversation is a special conversation the user has in case the tenant is enabled for telephony

    Required OAuth2 scopes: READ_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    completion callback A completion block that takes either the support conversation id or an error and returns void


    [client likeItem:@"ITEM ID"
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().likeItem("ITEM ID") {
      // Code goes here

    Like an item. Likes will be seen by others

    Required OAuth2 scopes: WRITE_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    itemID string ID of the liked item
    completion callback A completion block that takes no arguments and returns void


    [client markItemAsRead:@"CONVERSATION ID"
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().markItemAsRead("CONVERSATION ID",
                  creationTime:124858473) {
      // Code goes here

    Mark all items of the specified conversation, before a timestamp as read

    Required OAuth2 scopes: WRITE_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Conversation id
    creationTime number Items older than this timestamp are marked as read. Defaults to current time
    completion callback A completion block that takes no arguments and returns void


    [client removeParticipant:@"CONVERSATION ID"
                      userIds:@"USER ID"
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().removeParticipant("CONVERSATION ID",
                          userIds:"USER ID") {
      // Code goes here

    Remove a participant from a group conversation or community

    Required OAuth2 scopes: WRITE_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Conversation Id
    userIds any Single user id as string or array of many user ids
    completion callback A completion block that takes no arguments and returns void


    [client unflagItem:@"CONVERSATION ID"
                itemId:@"ITEM ID"
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().unflagItem("CONVERSATION ID", itemId: "ITEM ID") {
      // Code goes here

    Clear the flag of an item

    Required OAuth2 scopes: WRITE_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Conversation ID
    itemId string ID of the flagged item to to unflag
    completion callback A completion block that takes no arguments and returns void


    [client unlikeItem:@"ITEM ID"
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().unlikeItem("ITEM ID") {
      // Code goes here

    Unlike an item

    Required OAuth2 scopes: WRITE_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    itemId string Id of the item to unlike
    completion callback A completion block that takes no arguments and returns void


    [client updateTextItem:options
                completion:^(NSDictionary *item, NSError *error) {
      // Code goes here
    CKTClient().updateTextItem(options) { (item, error) in
      // Code goes here

    Update an existing text item

    Required OAuth2 scopes: WRITE_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    content dictionary Item options and content. See addTextItem for options
    completion callback A completion block that takes an item or an error and returns void


    NSString convId =  @"3dab2b90-a3c4-402f-aa26-72238420c4e4";
    NSDictionary *attributes = @{ @"topic" : @"New ConvTopic",
                                  @"description" : @"Corp Community Conv" };
    [self updateConversation:convId
                            completion:^(id item, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    let convId = "3dab2b90-a3c4-402f-aa26-72238420c4e4"
    let attributes = ["topic": "New ConvTopic",
                      "description": "Corp Community Conv" ]
                    attributesToChange: attributes) { (jsconv, error)
    // Code goes here

    Update a conversation or community

    Required OAuth2 scopes: WRITE_CONVERSATIONS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Conversation ID
    attributes dictionary Attributes to change, keys could be "topic" of conversation/community and "description" (only applicable to communities)
    completion callback A completion block that takes an updated conversation or an error and returns void


    CircuitKit responses are in JSON format

        convId = "CONVERSATION ID";
        creationTime = CREATION TIME;
        creatorId = "CREATOR ID";
        creatorTenantId = "CREATORS TENANT ID";
        isDeleted = 0;
        lastItemModificationTime = LAST ITEM MODIFICATION TIME;
        modificationTime = MODIFICATION TIME;
        participants =     (
            "PARTICIPANT USER ID",
        rtcSessionId = "RTC SESSION ID";
        topLevelItem = {
            convId = "CONVERSATION ID";
            creationTime = CREATION TIME;
            creatorId = "CREATOR ID";
            dataRetentionState = UNTOUCHED;
            includeInUnreadCount = 1;
            itemId = "ITEM ID";
            modificationTime = MODIFICATION TIME;
            system = {
                affectedParticipants = (
                    "PARTICIPANT USER ID",
                    "PARTICIPANT USER ID"
                type = "CONVERSATION_CREATED";
            type = SYSTEM;
        topic = "";
        type = DIRECT;
        userData = {
            lastReadTimestamp = LAST READ TIMESTAMP;
            unreadItems = 0;
    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Conversation id
    creationTime number Conversation creation time
    creatorId string Conversation creator's user id
    creatorTenantId string Conversation creator's tenant id
    isDeleted bool If the conversation is deleted or not
    lastItemModificationTime number Modification time of the last item
    modificationTime number Conversation modification time
    participants array Conversation participants
    rtcSessionId string ID of the current rtc session
    topLevelItem json Most recent conversation item
    topic string Conversation title
    type string Conversation type can be DIRECT, OPEN, GROUP


    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Parent conversation id
    creationTime number Item creation time
    creatorId string Item creator user id
    dataRetentionState string If the item was modified
    includeInUnreadCount bool If this is an unread item or not
    itemId string item id
    modificationTime number Item modification time



    [self addParticipantToCall:@"callId" to:@{"Dial out information"} completion:^{
    // Code goes here
    client.addParticipant(toCall: "callId", to: ["Dial out information"], completion: {
    // Code goes here

    Add a participant to a call via dial out. The participant does not have to be a member of the conversation. Dialing PSTN number is also supported.

    Parameter Type Description
    callId string Id of the current call
    to dictionary Dictionary containing dial out information
    completion callback A completion handler that takes no arguments and returns void


    [self addParticipantToRtcSession:@"callId" to:@{"Dial out information"} completion:^{
    // Code goes here
    client.addParticipantToRtcSession(toCall: "callId", to: ["Dial out information"], completion: {
    // Code goes here

    Add a participant to an RTC Session via dial out. Unlike addParticipantToCall this API does not rely on a local call to be present. The participant does not have to be a member of the conversation. Dialing PSTN number is also supported.

    Parameter Type Description
    callId string Id of the current call
    to dictionary Dictionary containing dial out information
    completion callback A completion handler that takes no arguments and returns void


    NSDictionary *mediaType = @{@"audio": @"true", @"video": @"false"};
    [self answerCall:@"callId" mediaType:mediaType
                completionHandler:^(NSDictionary *call, NSError *error){
    // Code goes here
    let mediaType = ["audio": true, "video": false]
    client?.answerCall("callId", mediaType: mediaType, completionHandler: { (call, error) in
    // Code goes here

    Answer an incoming call received in a callIncoming event

    Parameter Type Description
    callId string callId of the call to answer
    mediaType dictionary Object with boolean attributes: audio, video
    completion callback A completion handler that takes either a call or an error and returns void


    [self dialNumber:@"number" completionHandler:^(NSDictionary *call, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    client.dialNumber("number") { (call, error) in
    // Code goes here

    Start a telephony conversation

    Parameter Type Description
    number string Dialable number, must match Circuit.Utils.PHONE_PATTERN
    completion callback A completion that takes either a call or an error and returns void


    [self dialNumber:@"number" name:@"name" completionHandler:^(NSDictionary *call, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    client.dialNumber("number", name: "name") { (call, error) in
    // Code goes here

    Start a telephony conversation

    Parameter Type Description
    number string Dialable number, must match Circuit.Utils.PHONE_PATTERN
    name string Display name of the number being dialed
    completion callback A completion that takes either a call or an error and returns void


    [self endCall:@"callId" completion:^{
    // Code goes here
    client.endCall("callId") {
    // Code goes here

    End a direct call or leave a group conference

    Parameter Type Description
    callId string Call id of the call to leave
    completion callback A completion block that takes no arguments and returns void


    [self endConference:@"callId" completion:^{
    // Code goes here
    client.endConference("callId") {
    // Code goes here

    End a conference call. Disconnects all other participants as well

    Parameter Type Description
    callId string Call id of the call to leave.
    completion callback A completion block that takes no arguments and returns void


    [self leaveConference:@"callId" completion:^(NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    client.leaveConference("callId") { (error) in
    // Code goes here

    Leave a conference call

    Parameter Type Description
    callId string Call id of the call to leave.
    completion callback A compleiton that takes no arguments and replying with an error


    [self findCall:@"callId" completionHandler:^(NSDictionary *call, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    client.findCall("callId") { (call, error) in
    // Code goes here

    Find a call by its call Id. Call may be local or remote, active or non-active

    Parameter Type Description
    callId string Call id of the call to leave
    completion callback A completion handler that takes either a call or an error and returns void


    [self getActiveCall:^(NSDictionary *call, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    client.getActiveCall { (call, error) in
    // Code goes here

    Get local active call

    Parameter Type Description
    completion callback A completion handler that takes either a call or an error and returns void


    [self getActiveRemoteCalls:^(NSDictionary *calls, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    client.getActiveRemoteCalls { (call, error) in
    // Code goes here

    Get remote active calls Required OAuth2 scopes: CALLS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    completion callback A completion handler that takes either a call or an error and returns void


    [self getCalls:^(NSArray *calls, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    client.getCalls { (call, error) in
    // Code goes here

    Get all local and remote calls in progress

    Parameter Type Description
    completion callback A completion handler that takes either a call or an error and returns void


    [self getTelephonyData:^(NSDictionary *data, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    client.getTelephonyData { (call, error) in
    // Code goes here

    Get the telephony data such as the connection state and default caller id

    Parameter Type Description
    completion callback A completion handler that takes either a call or an error and returns void


    NSDictionary *mediaType = @{@"audio": @"true", @"video": @"false"};
    [self makeCall:@"user" mediaType:mediaType completionHandler:^(NSDictionary *call, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    let mediaType = ["audio": true, "video": false]
    client.makeCall("user", mediaType: mediaType) { (call, ERROR) in
    // Code goes here

    Start a direct call with a user by it's email address or user Id

    Parameter Type Description
    user string email or userId of the user to call
    mediaType dictionary Object with boolean attributes: audio, video
    completion callback A completion handler that takes either a call or an error and returns void


    NSDictionary *mediaType = @{@"audio": @"true", @"video": @"false"};
    [self makeCall:@"user" mediaType:mediaType createIfNotExists:YES completionHandler:^(NSDictionary *call, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    let mediaType = ["audio": true, "video": false]
    client.makeCall("user", mediaType: mediaType, createIfNotExists: true) { (call, error) in
    // Code goes here

    Start a direct call with a user by it's email address or user Id

    Parameter Type Description
    user string email or userId of the user to call
    mediaType dictionary Object with boolean attributes: audio, video
    createIfNotExists bool Create a conversation with the user if not already existing, default is FALSE.
    completion callback A completion handler that takes either a call or an error and returns void


    [self mute:@"callId" completionHandler:^{
    // Code goes here
    client.mute("callId") {
    // Code goes here

    Mute an existing call

    Parameter Type Description
    calIId string callId callId of the call to mute
    completion callback A completion handler that takes either a call or an error and returns void


    NSDictionary *mediaType = @{@"audio": @"true", @"video": @"false"};
    [self startConference:@"convId" mediaType:mediaType completion:^(NSDictionary *call, NSError *error) {
    // Code goes here
    let mediaType = ["audio": true, "video": false]
    client.startConference("callId", mediaType: mediaType) { (call, error) in
    // Code goes here

    StartConference a conference call Required OAuth2 scopes: CALLS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Conversation ID
    mediaType dictionary Object with boolean attributes: audio, video
    completion callback A completion handler that takes either a call or an error and returns void


    NSDictionary *mediaType = @{@"audio": @"true", @"video": @"false"};
    [self joinConference:@"calIId" mediaType:mediaType clientId:@"clientId" completion:^{
    // Code goes here
    let mediaType = ["audio": true, "video": false]
    client.joinConference("callId", mediaType: mediaType, clientId:"clientId") {
    // Code goes here

    Join a conference call from the current device, or optionally from another logged on device.

    Required OAuth2 scopes: CALLS or ALL

    Parameter Type Description
    calIId string callId callId of the call to mute
    mediaType dictionary Object with boolean attributes: audio, video
    clientId string clientId of device where to join the call from
    completion callback A completion handler that takes either a call or an error and returns void


    [self unmute:@"convId" completionHandler:^{
    // Code goes here
    client.unmute("callId") {
    // Code goes here

    Unmute an existing call

    Parameter Type Description
    convId string Conversation ID
    completion callback A completion handler that takes no arguments and returns void



    [CKTAudioSessionManager setAudioSessionEnabled:YES];

    Disable / Enable the active WebRTC audio session

    Application can disable / enable the active WebRTC audio session. It is a system wide parameter. If application disabled WebRTC audio then it is the application's responsibility to enable back it again. Until this is enabled by application again, all the calls will have no speech path

    It is recommended that application shall use this property only upon events that indicate external usage of audio session.

    Parameter Type Description
    enabled bool enabled/disabled active audio session

    Event Handling

    Event handling is already setup in the SDK. All you have to do to provide event handling to your application is add some observers where you want to listen to specific events.

    Event Type Description
    CKTNotificationBasicSearchResults string Asynchronous search results for startUserSearch or startBasicSearch
    CKTNotificationCallEnded string Fired when a call is terminated
    CKTNotificationCallIncoming string Fired when an incoming call is received. I.e. client is alerting
    CKTNotificationCallStatus string Fired when the call state, or any other call attribute of a local or remote call changes. Use the isRemote property to determine if the call is local or remote. A call is considered remote when a) the call is active on another device, or b) a group call is not joined yet
    CKTNotificationConnectionStateChanged string Fired when the connection state changes
    CKTNotificationConversationCreated string Fired when a new conversation is created for this user. This can be a brand new conversation, or being added to a conversation
    CKTNotificationConversationUpdated string Fired when an existing conversation is updated
    CKTNotificationItemAdded string Fired when a new conversation item is received. Note that the sender of an item will also receive this event
    CKTNotificationItemUpdated string Fired when an existing conversation item is updated
    CKTNotificationReconnectFailed string Fired when automatic reconnecting to the server fails
    CKTNotificationRenewToken string Fired when token has been renewed after session expiry. Error included on failure
    CKTNotificationSessionExpires string Fired when session expires
    CKTNotificationUserPresenceChanged string Fired when the presence of a subscribed user changes
    CKTNotificationUserSettingsChanged string Fired when one or more user settings for the logged on user change
    CKTNotificationUserUpdated string Fired when the local user is updated. E.g. I change the jobTitle on my mobile device

    Adding Observers

    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
                               name:CKTNotificationItemAdded object:nil];
                             name:CKTNotificationItemAdded, object: nil)

    To listen for events you need to add observers to your application logic. You do this using Apple's Notification Center if you have never used NotificationCenter you can find more information on NotificationCenter

    In the example we are watching for an event called CKTNotificationItemAdded which when triggered will fire a method called itemAddedToConversation

    More on event types can be found in the section above.

    Sample Application

    You can find the sample application in the Example directory.

    In the terminal navigate to the Example folder and run the following command:

    pod install

    This will install the required pods and create a CircuitSDK.xcworkspace, open that file instaead of the CircuitSDK.xcodeproj.

    In the Sample/Resources folder open AppDelegate.swift, here you can add your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET

    Now that you have set your OAuth credentials, and installed the required CocoaPods you are ready to run the application.

    Press the run button.


    The CircuitSDK uses the following error codes:

    Error Code Meaning
    400 Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized
    403 Forbidden
    404 Not Found
    429 Too Many Requests
    500 Internal Server Error
    503 Service Unavailable